The Peter Vickers Business Group was founded in 1979 by Peter Vickers – a core strength from day one was accounting. In order to satisfy the needs of our clients we have grown to provide a comprehensive range of financial services. We provide these services to a broad range of clients, across a diverse range of industries and professions, both in Australia and overseas.
Fringe benefits are an important part of running a business and can be a useful way of attracting quality staff. However, if you're going to provide fringe benefits to your staff, you need to be aware of your taxation obligations along with any current changes made by the ATO.
How does Fringe Benefits Tax work?
Fringe benefits tax (FBT) is a tax employers pay on certain benefits they provide to their employees – including their employees’ family or other associates. It may help to reduce the employee's taxable income, and while not considered actual salary is provided in addition to, or part of, their salary or wages package. Typically provided through salary sacrifice or as part of an employee's salary packaging.
If you are a director of a company or trust, benefits you receive may be subject to FBT.
What is a Fringe Benefit?
Benefits can take the form of but are not limited to:
Providing a benefit to employees in this way is perfectly legal and is a common form of reimbursement.
H3: How is FBT in Australia calculated?
FBT is separate to income tax and is calculated on the total taxable value of the fringe benefits provided. The amount of tax payable varies depending on the type of benefit. An FBT year is 1 April to 31 March.
We can help your business with preparing, reporting, lodging and paying FBT. We'll answer your questions, help you comply with all your obligations and streamline the whole process for you. We can assist you to prepare Fringe Benefits tax for your business. Talk with us today.
Advice provided by Peter Vickers and Associates Pty Ltd Chartered Accountants Liability Limited by a Scheme under the Professional Standards Legislation ABN 60003466813. Authorised representative of Peter Vickers Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd trading as Peter Vickers Investment Services Australian Credit Licence and Australian Financial Services Licence Number 229302
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Lindfield, NSW 2070
T: 61 2 9496 2300
Peter Vickers Insurance Brokers
Suite 2/345 Pacific Highway
Lindfield NSW 2070
T: 1300 784 011
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Chartered Accountants: Liability Limited by a Scheme under the Professional Standards Legislation - AFSL 229302 | Peter Vickers & Associates Pty Ltd ACN 003466813 | Peter Vickers Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd AFSL 229302 ACL 229302 ACN 074 294 081
Peter Vickers Insurance Brokers is part of the Steadfast broker network.